eco-friendly home decor
What Makes Vinyl Wallpapers Such An Eco-Friendly Home Decor Option?

There are no shortages of vinyl wallpapers in the market to use for you customised home decorations. But there’s always a distinct charm of using Vinyl wallpapers that makes it such a superior interior decor option.

Many field specialists opine that “Vinyl Wallpapers Are An Eco-friendly home decoration option.” And here are some valid reasons as to why this is so.

“They Don’t Deteriorate The Existing Indoor Air Quality”

Most vinyl wallpapers may consist of an initial odour post installation. And whatever wall cover exists in the vinyl; it gets quickly dissipated via normal ventilation.

Labelling as one prime quality wallpaper decor option- most Vinyl wallpapers don’t adversely hamper the interior air quality. They reduce the initial duration of emissions quicker than household paints and prevent the deterioration of the existing indoor air quality.

“They are Flame Retardant”

Most vinyl interior wallpapers come with a natural fire-retardant polymer which makes it impervious to fire. This comes as a benefit as most vinyl wallpapers don’t catch fire easily. If anything, their properties inhibit the fire from spreading. So, this makes it a wonderful option to try out.

“Involves Hassle-free Maintenance”

Lastly, quality vinyl wallpapers are very easy to maintain or wipe clean the existing allergens, pollen, pet dander and dust. Hence, it makes it easy for you to improve indoor air quality.

Furthermore, vinyl wallpapers are usually non-porous, durable and compatible with the majority of the house cleaning solutions. That makes most bacteria and other pesky microorganisms disinfected. With that, if you make it a habit to wipe clean it regularly, then even drug-resistant bacteria cannot stay for long on such vinyl wallpaper surfaces.

For all these reasons, there is no element of a surprise why vinyl wallpapers are such a popular choice for home improvements. Other than this, they are readily employed in health-care facilities. Believe it or not, if you care properly, they can even last 15-years (give or take) which is almost thrice as long as a regular painting job.

Proper Ways To Clean Your Vinyl Wallpaper:-

Whenever your vinyl wallpaper experiences stains or scribbles on its surface, it should be cleaned instantly. They help eliminate whatever reactions that can possibly happen between the vinyl surface and the stains. But if the vinyl wallpaper surface is left soiled for a long period, it may lead to permanent discolouration- particularly in those affected spots.

Always use mild soap with clear water along to blot dry using lint-free fabric. Never rub abrasively as it can cause the colour to fade. And most importantly, never use active solvents such as polish remover, tar, bug remover or paint thinner to clean the wallpaper surface. It could also damage your vinyl wallpaper.

Call Us For Top-Grade Wallpaper Options:-

So, are looking to fit in Vinyl wallpapers to your already beautiful home? “Perth Wallpaper” -home to top-grade residential and commercial wallpaper options in Australia work with interior designers, contractors, associate specialists for your desired result.

Having a wallpaper installation specialist team for Perth; we keep our rates competitive and always use top-quality materials to achieve 100% satisfaction. Feel free to rummage through our gallery section. And if something catches your eye, then call us @ 0466 249 555 whenever convenient for you!